
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Vaccines for vulnerable kids available “within the week”

As Monaco prepares to provide a hundred doses of paediatric strength Covid vaccine to fragile children aged five to 11, France has approved distribution for all kids in this age group.

National Council debates regulation of crypto

The last legislative session of 2021 was opened with the amendment to the Financial Activities Act of 2007, with a heavy focus on crypto currencies.

YCM renews Malizia partnership at annual awards ceremony

It’s been a busy year for the Yacht Club of Monaco, which they have rounded out with a cocktail party, awards ceremony, and highlights of future plans.

Covid death tolls reaches 37 in Principality

The announcement of the passing of a 97-year-old Monaco resident on Sunday brings the total death toll in the Principality to 37. Meanwhile, the number of ICU patients is on the rise.

“Migrants are real agents of social change”

Cultural diplomat Prince Nereides Antonio Giamundo de Bourbon has inaugurated a new initiative called the NDB Opera project, a humanitarian endeavour aimed at educating and employing immigrants.

Local yacht broker sells one yacht every two days in 2021

Northrop and Johnson has broken its own record by selling 141 yachts so far this year, an average of one every other day, an exceptional feat in the current climate.