
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

New BBC series gives rare glimpse into life in Monaco

A host of Monaco personalities, including Prince Albert, have taken part in a new BBC2 series entitled 'Inside Monaco: Playground of the Rich'.  

Monaco launches worldwide appeal for environment

The Principality of Monaco, along with 14 other countries, has launched an appeal  to the world to join forces and protect nature.

Gyms set for 15th June reopening

Monaco gyms will be allowed to reopen on 15th June if the facilities meet the health standards put forth by the government.

Border crossing confusion continues

Despite the 3rd June reopening of the Italian border, crossings are still fraught as Monaco and France have yet to do the same, causing confusion, long waits and frustration for commuters and...

National Council calls for extention of recovery plan

With the worst of the health crisis behind us, the National Council and the government are looking to jumpstart the economy through continued financial aid and cautious continued reopenings.

Call to action on World Environment Day

Friday 5th June is World Environment Day and there are a myriad of things being done all over Monaco and the Riviera to help improve and protect the world around us.