
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Back to school like never before

Social distancing, half full classrooms, masks, sanitary gel, no lunch service, one-way entries and exits… this is back to school, for some at least, in the new reality.

Mairie gradually reopening public services

As part of the government’s de-escalation plan, the Monaco City Council is slowly but surely reopening services and welcoming the public, under strict conditions.

Prince speaks with post-doctorate fellows

Prince Albert II spoke via video-conference to the five post-doctorate programme fellows from the ITER project, who have just completed their two year research assignments funded by the Principality.

Prince visits local mask-making operations

Prince Albert II has taken time out to visit the Banana Moon and Bettina factories who have been busy churning out protective face masks since the end of March for use in the Principality. 

Princess’s brother donates masks to Olympians

Princess Charlene’s brother and Secretary General of the Princess Charlene Foundation, Gareth Wittstock, has visited the Principality’s Olympic athletes to offer them the Foundation’s signature...

Leclerc takes second in Virtual Spanish Grand Prix

Charles Leclerc came in a super respectable runner up in the Virtual Spanish Grand Prix held on Sunday after a thrilling race pitting him against Williams’ George Russell.