
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Superyachts banned from mooring in Alpes-Maritimes

The Alpes-Maritimes is creating new mooring zones for yachts over 20 metres in an effort to protect the Posidonia sea grass that is being destroyed by large anchors.

Monaco start-up spearheads water conservation efforts

FGWRS, a MonacoTech-supported start-up, is behind a new technology used by French Open players to convert “grey water” into usable non-potable water for showers and toilets.

Prince Pierre Foundation Awards 2020

The annual Prince Pierre Foundation literary awards were presented this week, rewarding exceptional works in four categories.

Chefs launch campaign to feed storm victims

A team of top chefs from Monaco and France are rallying together to treat the storm victims - many of whom have lost everything but their appetites - to a proper meal prepared from the heart.

International Day of the Girl in Monaco

The National Council and She Can He Can celebrated International Day of the Girl by inviting students to participate in a discussion about the future role of girls and women in society.

MEB to partner with Nice CCI

The Monaco Economic Board and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nice Côte d’Azur have decided to join forces ahead of the Monaco Business Expo later this month.