
Stephanie Horsman

Stephanie has been a writer for more than 20 years, with a career that has taken her from Los Angeles to New York and finally to Europe. In addition to news, she has also written for television, advertising and radio.

Author’s Articles

Dogs being taught to detect Covid-19

Man’s best friend is now on its way to becoming man’s best defence against the coronavirus as a British charity looks into training dogs to detect the virus in humans.  

CMB initiates campaign for Princess Grace Hospital

The Compagnie Monégasque de Banque (CMB) has set up a fund-raising campaign to benefit the Princess Grace Hospital Centre of Monaco.

Rencontres Philosophiques offerings during lockdown

Confinement continues but that doesn’t mean the public need miss out on the activities that the Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco are putting on, with new content available every day.

Appeal for sea plastic reducing projects

BeMed, the organisation co-created by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, is launching a call for projects aimed at reducing plastic pollution in the Mediterranean islands.

Third Meeting of Joint Monitoring Committee

The National Council and government have come together for the 3rd Joint Monitoring Meeting on Covid-19.

Barclays unveils aid for coronavirus relief

Banking giant Barclays has announced the launch of a £100 million package in an effort to help those most affected by the Covid-19 epidemic.