The Prime de Noël and other changes in France this December

As the final month of the year begins, the government of France has a few new changes in store, including an updated list of 23,000 training courses for students, financial incentives for the purchase of low emission vehicles and the ‘Prime de Noël’ for those in need. 

The French government always puts out a list of what’s new and what has changed ahead of each new month, and from 1st December, there will be some changes affecting students, potential car buyers and financially vulnerable households.  


First up is a reminder that the Parcoursup information site, the national pre-registration platform for the first year of higher education in France, will be updated with the latest training options as of 20th December. Further information can be found here


On 15th December, the Environment and Energy Management Agency of France will release an updated list of vehicles eligible under the national “ecological bonus” scheme, which favours the purchase of new or used vehicles with a low carbon footprint. This financial grant is conditional according to a set of specific criteria that can be found in detail here.  


Finally, the French state will be giving out Christmas bonuses to households who receive “minima sociaux” – guaranteed minimum income in English – during the month of December.  

Minima sociaux are non-contributory social benefits, meaning that they are paid without compensation for contributions. The aim is to guarantee a minimum income to people in precarious situations. 

The bonuses will be paid out by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) or the Mutuelle Sociale Agricole (MSA), with amounts varying depending on situation of individual households.  

To find out more, click here


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Photo source: S. B. Vonlanthen, Unsplash

France’s 3919 hotline for victims of violence is now available in 12 additional languages

France’s 3919 advice line for women who have been exposed to or suffered violence or domestic abuse has been expanded to offer contact with “professional listeners” in 12 languages.  

Following on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November, and the subsequent solidarity marches all over France on 26th November, the government is seeking to reassure victims that they can find support and help via the national violence and domestic abuse hotline: 3919.  

The government-backed number, which is managed by the Solidarité Femmes federation and has been operational 24/7 since 30th August 2021, is there to “provide an initial reception for all women victims of gender-based violence”.

The situation is then assessed by professionals before the caller is directed to an appropriate local or national partner organisation or association that can further assist.   

Additionally, Solidarité Femmes operates a website that includes extensive information on the legal rights of victims. The federation, which groups 81 associations across the country, also offers more than 3,000 emergency or long-term shelter spaces, equalling half the total number of dedicated accommodations for victims of violence in France.  


The hotline can be used in relation to any kind of violence, including, but not limited to, domestic violence, sexual violence, forced marriages, female genital mutilation and workplace abuses. 

The number is free and anonymous, and can be reached by mobile or landline throughout mainland France. A team of experienced responders are on the other end of the line to provide guidance or information on what to do in the face of violent acts for both the victims themselves and those close to them. 

The service is now available in 12 languages in addition to French. They are English, Arabic, Creole, Dari, Spanish, Hebrew, Kabyle, Mandarin, Persian, Polish, Portuguese and Turkish, though speakers of each are not all on-site full-time.  

To speak to a person in a certain language, callers may be offered a time slot for a call back.  

The hotline is there for all, but in the case of immediate danger, it is recommended that the victim call 17 or 18 to reach the emergency services. 

For more information, click here.


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Photo source: Kev Costello, Unsplash