A project intended to relieve traffic on the western approach to the Principality has come up against fierce opposition from Cap d’Ail, but work is pressing ahead.
The traffic situation getting in and out of Monaco during rush hours is dire. The back-ups add considerable driving time for commuters, not to mention increasing C02 emissions, spurring authorities to take action.
Plans for a €30 million underground “funnel” on the Moyenne Corniche to relieve congestion in the worst hours as well as another smaller project widening the Hospital/Jardin Exotique roundabout are well underway, but have come up against some hurdles.
The problem is that, with any major construction, there comes issues and Cap d’Ail Mayor Xavier Beck is up in arms about the disruptions that will be caused to his town.
Mayor Beck filed formal complaints in October 2022, citing the inevitable inconveniences as his main concern, including the loss of 30 parking spaces, as well as the cost to the town – in the region of €30,000 according to the mayor.
“These are traffic disruptions that will be considerable for a year and a half,” he told the Monaco Matin. “The Metropolis also advised us [at the start] to say no to this project. I have a letter on this subject from the Director of the Roads of the Metropolis.”
According to him, the concerns regarding the project should have triggered a bureaucratic response, one which Mayor Beck says was not respected.
“We have a charter of the Metropolis, which deals with the management of disagreements and which expressly provides, when a municipality does not agree with a project, that there is an in-depth discussion or even a calling of the municipal council to issue an opinion,” he said. “However, this whole procedure was not followed by the Metropolis.”
Though unhappy, Beck has said he would withdrawal appeals “if the problems that these two projects will cause us are taken into account”.
The mayor also said he had met with Monegasque Minister of State Pierre Dartout, sharing a list of suggestions that were well-received and which he expects will be responded to promptly.
In general, Monaco’s government has been able, by-and-large, to remain out of the fray here, letting French procedure take the lead on the fight, but Bastien Nespoulous, Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi’s Chief of Staff, had made it clear he sees this project as a real joint international effort. As Monaco is financing 80% of the project, the case is strong that the Principality is indeed quite committed to its success.
“The Metropolis considers that this partnership with the Principality of Monaco, in particular for the construction of this funnel near the Rainier III tunnel, has a safety dimension,” Nespoulous told Monaco Matin.
He added that the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes has asked the Monegasque government to bring the Rainier III tunnel up to standard – in line with Mont Blanc standards.
“The Minister of State said that upgrading only makes sense… And it will be done [in the case of the project coming to fruition],” he told the publication.
Stéphane Valeri, the new Président Délégué of Monte-Carlo SBM, laid out his roadmap for Monaco’s largest, most important company on Friday to a room full of local journalists.
The press gathered in the Salle Sincerity of the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort on Friday 12th May to hear for the first time the vision of the new head of Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (SBM).
The former president of the National Council, who officially took over from Jean-Luc Biamonti on 24th January, said that he has spent the past three months developing his roadmap for the Monegasque company.
“We now have it, and we can communicate it,” he told the room full of press.
He described his appointment, by order of Prince Albert II of Monaco, as a moment of “pride”, particularly given his family history with SBM. Valeri’s great-grandfather, who worked in gaming, received a 50th anniversary medal in 1913; his father also spent his entire career with the company.
“Loyalty to the Société des Bains de Mer has been found in many families, often for decades,” said the 61-year-old Monegasque native. “And for good reason: our group is the economic flagship and the leading employer in the Principality. The SBM has contributed to writing the legend of Monte-Carlo, under the impetus of our Princes, from Charles III to Sovereign Prince Albert II.”
Valeri revealed that he will bring with him the same formula he has applied throughout his entire professional career: namely listening, respect for people, strategic thinking, and taking risks.
“Deciding means taking risks. We need to take the most limited, calculated risks.” he said. “My management style won’t change. I won’t be led by ideologies or biases.”
Valeri then laid out his roadmap, which has been created in consultation with the SBM Board of Directors.
The lagoon at Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel and Resort, an SMB establishment
A new management team
For his tenure, Valeri has restructured the entire management team and expanded it by three, taking it from six to nine. His mission, he says, is “optimal governance, by changing it according to the new priorities and the objectives that we have set ourselves”.
Firstly, Valeri chose to fill the position of general manager, one that had been left vacant for 12 years. Albert Manzone will therefore be responsible for the day-to-day running of the company.
“I think it was important given the ambitions we have for the development of the group,” he said. “We are now in the pre-summer period, where we have 5,000 employees. I believe it was essential that I be assisted by a general manager who will be in charge of more operations, of implementing actions, which will allow me to have more time for reflection, analysis, strategy and development.”
Another important decision, says Valeri, was the appointment of a new general secretary in the form of Virginie Cotta, who has also been entrusted with SBM’s legal department, real estate assets, culture and heritage, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Meanwhile, the appointment of Pascal Camia to Director of International Development was part of a strategy for expansion abroad.
“It is true the SBM enjoys a great reputation and expertise recognised worldwide in the field of luxury hotels and games. However, this potential for growth has never been developed to date, apart from certain financial holdings in international companies. It is now a question of providing the SBM with a team responsible for preparing its development abroad, in a targeted manner and within the framework of a very precise strategy,” said Valeri.
The ultimate goal, he said, is to acquire hotels, restaurants, and casinos in other countries to develop its international clientele. He also wants to export SBM brands to destinations like the French Alps.
“Strategically, we have to be where our customers go, with an offer that complements the one we have today in Monaco.”
Maintaining a strong workforce
The SBM president acknowledged that it is now very difficult to recruit and retain seasonal workers, a phenomenon faced by the hospitality sector the world-over. Therefore, retaining staff year-round is one of his goals, and he plans to prioritise workers in the Alpes-Maritimes for that purpose.
He says that establishing hotels in the Alps will also help with staff retention during winter months, before they return for the busy Spring/Summer season in Monaco.
Acquiring accommodation in the Alpes-Maritimes, particularly Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, is also a priority.
New projects
The modernisation of Le Meridien, whose contract is up for renewal this September, is among the new rejuvenation projects for SBM. Valerie revealed that the option of knocking it down and starting again is still very attractive.
He also said that an expansion of the Salle des Etoiles is also on the cards for next year as security requirements have reduced its capacity.
More entertainment
The Salle des Etoiles at Monte-Carlo Sporting Club will be open to the public every night this August with the new addition of Billionaire, an “intimate” setting that will be “unrecognisable” with its cabaret-themed evenings.
“It’s up to us to know how to attract new talent, to create new shows, to revive, for example, the famous Mood’s that all of Monaco expects, to also offer more regular entertainment that is more in line with the image that we want to give,” said Valeri.
More impressive Christmas decorations and entertainment falls into that vision.
There will also be the opening of the new Maona vintage bar in June, as well as the Club La Vigie and Blue Bay, which is undergoing a major interior renovation.
The interior design of the new Café de Paris was revealed during Friday’s press conference for the first time. Image courtesy SBM
Monaco’s iconic Café de Paris
The reopening of the Café de Paris, which has been delayed until October, is slightly over its €55 million budget, revealed Valeri. The major project includes the new Amazonico restaurant with large terraces overlooking Place du Casino, but that will not be delivered until April 2024.
Never-before-seen images of the new Café de Paris were revealed, showing a bistro atmosphere on the ground floor, and a chic brasserie with more subdued atmosphere on the first floor.
The future
Valeri highlighted that new luxury brands will open in the seven new retail spaces of the Café de Paris in autumn. There are also plans to develop several areas of Monaco for new economic opportunities.
“Over the next few years, we will have to continue to enhance our land by creating new areas for residences, offices and shops. And then, it will be necessary to plan the restructuring of the Sporting d’Eté peninsula, a great source of future profits.”
Valeri concluded the press conference by acknowledging the strong team that he is surrounded by, saying, “With all of our nearly 5,000 employees, with our new management, we are going to ensure that our future lives up to our brilliant past – and the bar is very high – to continue to write new pages of the legend of Monte-Carlo.”
The Principality will enter the ‘alert’ drought level this weekend as water supplies run worryingly low. Here are the restrictions that will be in force.
The Monaco government announced at a press conference on Thursday that it will now follow the same drought alert model as the neighbouring Alpes Maritimes department.
It is a response that the government says is necessary to help prevent the situation from getting worse.
On Friday, four levels of alert will be announced in Monaco’s Official Journal. The first level is vigilance, the second is alert, the third is heightened alert, and the fourth is crisis, stated Monaco’s Minister of State Pierre Dartout.
From Saturday, the entire Monegasque territory will enter the ‘alert’ level.
It means that the watering of lawns, flower beds, planters, green spaces and sports fields will be prohibited between 8am and 8pm.
The filling of swimming pools will be banned, as is the cleaning of facades and roofs.
The washing of boats or professional watercraft is restricted to specific time slots.
Meanwhile, the State will regulate street cleaning, however the government noted that the Société Monégasque d’Assainissement uses water from the Vallon de la Nut, which is unsuitable for human use anyway.
The Minister of State warned that the government will elevate the drought level if the situation worsens.
The Literary Council of the Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation, chaired by Caroline, Princess of Hanover, met on Wednesday 10th at the Hôtel Ritz, in Paris, to draw up the list of authors in the running for the Literary Prize and the Discovery Grant.
The Prince Pierre of Monaco Foundation aims to promote contemporary creation in the literary, musical and artistic fields.
Dominique Fortier, renowned Canadian writer, took part in her first Literary Council as a representative of French-speaking Canadian Literature alongside members of the Académie française, the Académie Goncourt and representatives of les Lettres francophones. After a long deliberation, the Jury agreed on the following candidates:
Created in 1951, the Literary Prize honours a renowned French-speaking writer for all of their work. It has a prize of €25,000. The list of authors selected for the 2023 Literary Prize of the Prince Pierre Foundation are Michael BERNARD, Sylvie GERMAN, Marie-Helene LAFON, Jean-Noel PANCRAZI, and Serge REZVANI.
The Discovery Grant, created in 2001 on the 50th anniversary of the Literary Prize, is awarded to a French-speaking author on the publication of his first work of fiction. This Prize of €12,000 is endowed by the Princess Grace Foundation. The authors competing for the 2023 Discovery Grant are:
– Feurat ALANI, Je me souviens de Falloujah, JC Lattès
– Claire BAGLIN, En salle, Les Éditions de Minuit
– Erwan BARILLOT, Moi Omega, Bouquins
– Dominique CELIS, Ainsi pleurent nos hommes, Philippe Rey
– Eric CHACOUR, Ce que je sais de toi, Alto
– Catherine LOGEAN, Confessions à un ficus, L’Arbre vengeur
– Jeanne PHAM TRAN, De rage et de lumière, Mercure de France
– Perrine TRIPIER, Les guerres précieuses, Gallimard
The novels will be presented to the public at the Médiathèque de Monaco on 29th June, and a meeting with their authors will be offered on 9th October.
The winners of the Literary Prize and the Discovery Grant will be announced during the Foundation’s Prize proclamation ceremony on 10th October 2023 at the Salle Garnier in Monaco.
Photo: Members of the Jury present (starting at the top left) are Frédéric Vitoux, Paule Constant, François Debluë, Jean-Marie Rouart, Dany Laferrière, Yves Namur, Dominique Bona, Dominique Fortier, Philippe Claudel, HRH the Princess of Hanover, Jean-Charles Curau, and Pierre Assouline. Credit: Cyril Bailleul, Fondation Prince Pierre
Historic Bains de la Police restored and reopening on Nice’s Promenade des Anglais
Bains de la Police, the beach area at the far end of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, was reserved only for local police after World War II. Abandoned and closed to the public for several years, it will come to life again in the form of a new restaurant featuring local fare and a brand new look.
The site was gifted to local police in 1947 for their heroism during the liberation of Nice during the Second World War. It was manged on a voluntary basis and became a popular spot for brave swimmers who dove from the platforms into the sea.
In November 2014, waves from a massive storm damaged the footbridge connecting the old blockhouse to the beach. The timing was bad, as the Prefecture was about to renew the authorisation for occupation, and despite efforts from the Policemen’s Association, the site was not repaired enough to be considered safe.
Demolition of the platforms came next in 2017, and it seemed it may be the end for this historic site.
Bains de la Police was reserved for police only after World World II.
The scenic spot was just too much of a temptation for Castel Plage, the neighbouring private beach, which took on the massive renovation and reparation project to turn the site into a working restaurant.
A kitchen has been carved into the rocks, while dining areas on two levels will give customers the feeling of being quite literally on the water. In addition, touches from the old days have been retained, like the old footbridge, which has been recreated to withstand bad weather. There were also technical challenges to overcome.
“We had to make a ventilation duct which was quite complex, given that we had to drill through the rock 12 meters high. It was a real achievement,” Ali Abdelhafidh, the manager of the establishment, told France 3.
Bains de la Police, which is set to open this May, involved months of work and hundreds of thousands in costs.
The menu will consist mostly of seafood. “It’s going to be a lot around Mediterranean fish,” said Abdelhafidh. “We’re going to have a menu with oysters, sashimi, and whole fish. Obviously, we’ll do a little catering for the people who don’t like seafood, but it will be predominantly Mediterranean.”
Fish dishes will start at €32 and starters will come in at €22. The view, on the other hand, will be free and definitely worth the visit.
Petrol prices in France are still significantly higher than other EU countries. We explain why.
The effects from the war in Ukraine saw the cost of gasoline prices in the European Union (EU) skyrocket back in February 2022, with fear of shortages and being cut off from Russian supplies fuelling the hikes.
Fast forward to May 2023 and the situation has settled down significantly. The price of a barrel of gas has returned to mid-February 2022 levels, and this return to normalcy has by and large been passed on to consumers at the pumps… except in France.
The average price of a litre of unleaded SP95-E10 in France is €1.84. In Italy and Germany, motorists are paying 10 centimes less per litre and in Eastern Europe, it’s a full 15 centimes less. Only Demark has higher prices than France.
The continued inflated prices are being blamed on the high cost of ethanol, an ingredient that is added to conventional fuel in France. Ethanol is of plant origin, normally corn, and has been found to have lower emissions and is therefore better for the environment.
In France, most motorists use E10, which is a 10% ethanol, 90% gasoline blend. This higher costing gas coupled with high fuel taxes and 20% VAT has meant that French consumers pay more at the pumps than in other countries.
There is also the issue of strikes. Blockades at the refineries have meant that petrol was imported to avoid shortages, a costly endeavour for the distributors that gets passed on to consumers.
Whilst some of the reasons fuel prices remain so high can be explained away by regulations, there is also a potential fundamental problem at the retail level.
Large retailers, as a whole, no longer systematically seek to drive down fuel prices in their outlets. These service stations account for more than half of fuel sales in France.
The Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, requested on Tuesday that fuel prices “fall faster” and that they reflect the decline in international oil prices. She said she considered it “unacceptable that companies increase their margins on the backs of the French”. A meeting on this subject with heads from the sector is scheduled for 11th May.